lying in repose
Title of Art: St. Cecilia
Artist: Stefano Maderno
Date of Composition: 1599
Subjects: Cecilia
Art Form: Mosaic
Exhibit Institution: Monastero Benedettine S. Cecilia (Benedictine Monastery of S. Cecilia)
Exhibit Location: Trastevere, Rome, Italy
VM Image #: 0061
Photographer: Karen Fletcher Smith
Date of Photograph: December 27, 2022
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Stefano Maderno, a witness to the 1599 discovery of Cecilia's incorruptible body, created a breathtaking statue to depict the martyr. She is recumbant, knees bent, head downward, face cloaked by hair. The wound on her neck is visible, and her hands form the sign of the trinity.
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