Title of Art: untitled
Date of Composition: 642-649
Subjects: Mary, Mother of God
Ritual Pose: orans
Art Form: Mosaic
Exhibit Institution: Battistero di San Giovanni in Laterano (Baptistry of St. John Lateran, also known as the Lateran Baptistry)
Exhibit Location: Rome, Italy
VM Image #: 0029
Photographer: Shala Graham
Date of Photograph: December 31, 2022
In the Chapel of Venantius within the Lateran Baptistry, the apse mosaic centers a bust of Jesus with angels on both sides. Below Christ is Mary wearing a pallium, her arms raised in the orans position. The other figures with her are (left to right) Pope John IV holding model of the chapel, St. Venantius, Apostle John, Apostle Paul, Apostle Peter, John the Baptist, St. Domnius, and Pope Theodore I.
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