Mosaic roundels on the barrel vaults of the Cappella Arcivescovile of Ravenna, with portrait busts of twelve apostles and twelve martyrs (six women, six men). In this close-up view of vault, there are three women martyrs: Eufimea (Euphemia, martyr of Rome), Eugenia (martyr of Chalcedon), and Cecilia.
This close-up view of the left side of a barrel arch featuring a total of six women martyrs shows Eufimea (Euphemia, martyr of Rome), Eugenia (martyr of Chalcedon), and Cecilia. Each woman is posed in a front-facing posture with a resolute expression. Each is encircled in blue mosaics that lighten in shade closer to the woman’s head, giving the illusion of a halo of light. The women are dressed identically in gold robes encrusted with jewels and pearls. They each wear a veil over a headcovering, or mitella.