Title of Art: Lamentation over the Dead Christ
Subjects: Mary, Mother of God; Mary Magdalene
Ritual Pose/Object: star
Artist: Giotto di Steffani Giottino
Art Form: Painting
Event: Deposition
Exhibit Institution: Le Gallerie degli Uffizi (The Uffizi)
Exhibit Location: Florence, Italy
VM Image #: 0038
Photographer: Shala Graham
Date of Photograph: July 1, 2023

A group gathered around the lifeless Jesus, including Mary (dark blue veil) and Mary Magdalene (red veil, long hair). The 14th century painting by Giottino portrays two patrons, a nun, a girl, with St. Benedict resting a hand on the nun's head, and St. Remigius's hand on the girl's head (he also holds a crozier). Originally displayed in the Church of St. Remigio, the painting entered the Uffizi in 1851.
Known for his emphasis on pathos, Giotto depicts the emotions of each individual as they gaze on the deceased Christ. While there are several other individuals in this painting, including women, they all gaze at the lifeless Christ and draw in the viewer to do so as well. Next to Christ are Mary Magdalene and Mary, mother of Jesus. Mary Magdalene, sitting to the left of Christ, has long flowing hair and a red veil. Much medieval art depicts her with long hair to signify the belief that she was a prostitute. Mary, mother of Jesus, holds the dead Christ in her arms as she gazes into his face. Mary's face, tilted toward Christ, draws the viewer into this intimate interaction. Mary is wearing a blue veil adorned with gold stars, each which have eight points. As the number seven was depicted as the perfect number in the Bible, the eight-pointed star – one point more than seven – symbolized eternity.