Empress Theodora with her ensemble, offering wine for eucharist. On the opposite wall is a mosaic depicting her husband Justinian with his ensemble, holding the eucharstic basket of bread.
Empress Theodora is portrayed slightly larger than the other nine figures in her retinue. Like Justinian in his mosaic opposite, Theodora is haloed and clad in a purple robe, crown, and jewels. She is holding a chalice for the Eucharist, corresponding to Justinian’s holding of a serving bowl for bread. The hem of Theodora’s robe, styled to look like embroidery, contains an exact replica of the Magi images depicted in the Procession of Virgins in the nearby Sant’Apollinare. As the Magi are the closest to the Virgin Mary in the procession, their images denote Theodora’s spiritual proximity to Mary as well. The mosaics are unique in their near mirror images reflecting true gender parity, as well as male and female spiritual and political leadership, and they are best considered together for more fulsome insight and understanding.