Title of Art: Madonna and Child Enthroned with St. Mary Magdalene, St. Catherine of Alexandria, and Angels
Artist: Taddeo Gaddi
Date of Composition: 1355
Subjects: Mary, Mother of God; Mary Magdalene; Catherine of Alexandria
Art Form: Painting
Exhibit Institution: Le Gallerie degli Uffizi (The Uffizi)
Exhibit Location: Florence, Italy
VM Image #: 0037
Photographer: Shala Graham
Date of Photograph: January 7, 2023
Mary is sitting on a throne with Jesus on her lap, who is holding a bird. Mary Magdalene is holding an ointment vessel (left), Catherine of Alexandria is holding a crown (right), with angels below. Artist Gaddi, a student of Giotto, completed the painting in 1355 for a chapel in the Church of San Lucchese in Poggibonsi. Entered Uffizi in 1914.
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