Title of Art: Madonna and Child Enthroned with St. Mary Magdalene, St. Catherine of Alexandria, and Angels
Subjects: Mary, Mother of God; Mary Magdalene; Catherine of Alexandria
Ritual Pose/Object: enthroned pose, pyx, crown
Artist: Taddeo Gaddi
Art Form: Painting
Date of Composition: 1355
Exhibit Institution: Le Gallerie degli Uffizi (The Uffizi)
Exhibit Location: Florence, Italy
VM Image #: 0037
Photographer: Shala Graham
Date of Photograph: January 7, 2023

Mary is sitting on a throne with Jesus on her lap, who is holding a bird. Mary Magdalene is holding an ointment vessel (left), Catherine of Alexandria is holding a crown (right), with angels below. Artist Gaddi, a student of Giotto, completed the painting in 1355 for a chapel in the Church of San Lucchese in Poggibonsi. Entered Uffizi in 1914.
Mary resides like a queen on her throne with her Son on her lap, as depicted in the iconography of the Maestà (Madonna in Majesty). Jesus holds his mother's fingers with his left hand, and in his right, a goldfinch, a common feature in art of the infant Jesus. The bird is sometimes understood as a representation of the soul placed in his hands, other times as a foreshadowing of the salvation he would offer through his death and resurrection.
Beside the throne, Mary Magdalene and Catherine of Alexandria present gifts to the Christ. Mary offers a pyx, the sacred container of the consecrated Eucharist. Catherine offers a crown, a symbol of her martyrdom. Below, angels offer vases of flowers to the Mary and Christ, sprinkling incense via thuribles.
Beside the throne, Mary Magdalene and Catherine of Alexandria present gifts to the Christ. Mary offers a pyx, the sacred container of the consecrated Eucharist. Catherine offers a crown, a symbol of her martyrdom. Below, angels offer vases of flowers to the Mary and Christ, sprinkling incense via thuribles.