Title of Art: Annunciation with St. Ansanus and St. Maxima
Subjects: Mary, Mother of God; St. Maxima
Ritual Pose/Object: enthroned pose, book, lily, palm frond, cross
Artist: Simone Martini, Lippo Memmi
Art Form: Painting
Date of Composition: 1305-1310
Event: Annunciation
Exhibit Institution: Le Gallerie degli Uffizi (The Uffizi)
Exhibit Location: Florence, Italy
VM Image #: 0005
Photographer: Shala Graham
Date of Photograph: January 7, 2023

Annunciation of Mary, nimbed, enthroned, holding book in left hand, and kneeling Archangel Gabriel, nimbed, wearing wreath, holding branch, with words from mouth inscribed on gold background. Flanked by martyrs St. Ansanus and St. Maxima holding palm fronds (and dates) and crosses. In the pinnacles, prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Daniel. Panel (signed and dated) was painted for the altar of St. Ansanus in Siena cathedral. Entered Uffizi in 1799.
This tempera painting on wood with gold leaf was painted for the altar of St. Ansanus in the Siena Cathedral. Mary is in an interior space with elements that represent a room from a wealthy, fourteenth century Italian estate. This painting was designed to lead us to reflection and worship. The gold elements are meant to draw our attention to the sacred. Flanking Mary and the angel are Ansanus the martyr, the patron saint of Siena, and his mother, Maxima. Maxima and her martyred son invite us to reflect on Mary at the moment when she is invited to become the mother of Jesus the Messiah.